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Promoting abortion and battling pro-life movements – the UN programme for the following years

Published: 26.02.2020

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The United Nations has initiated works on a final document of this year's 64th session of the UN Commission for the Status of Women. In March, the UN Political Statement on "gender equality" will be adopted. It entails the organisation's course of action for the following five years. The pre-session documents are dominated by claims to promote abortion and vulgar sexual education, and to battle movements which protect human life and family values. At the event in New York, the members of the Ordo Iuris Institute will voice their objection against implementing the radical provisions in the acts of international law.

One of the aims of this year Commission's gathering is to commemorate the Beijing Platform for Action of 1995. It was concluded at the United Nations' Fourth Conference for Women. Radical activists are attempting to use this opportunity to undermine the existing international consensus, and to impose claims promoting abortion. The Beijing document is believed to be one of the biggest successes achieved by the feminist lobby. Thus, it has been accountable for penetrating the official UN language with ideological concepts, among which the concept of "gender" is to be found. However, thanks to the strong objection of many countries and the personal engagement of Pope John Paul II, the Platform for Action is not binding and does not include extremely controversial content. Moreover, it is stipulated clearly in the Beijing Platform for Action that killing a conceived child cannot be perceived as a method of family planning, and that countries are under an obligation to reduce the number of abortions. A similar contention was drawn up in the Platform of Action reached at the Cairo International Conference on Population and Development in 1994.

Some countries and the UN movements have been attempting to breach this general agreement for many years. The 25th anniversary of those two significant events serves as a favourable moment for their actions. There was an attempt to sabotage the provisions of the Cairo Conference at the summit in Nairobi last year. Although the abortion-rights movements failed in their attempt, and their undertakings were boycotted by most countries, they have been striving to legitimise their claims in te European Parliament, for example.

In March, the UN Political Statement will be executed in the session of the UN Committee on Women's Rights. The document entails the direction, resolutions planned for the following five years, together with activities supporting the initiative of "gender equality". The official text of the Statement has not been made available yet. Nevertheless, based on the preparatory documents, it is possible to deduce that it may incorporate radical claims. First of all, it may undoubtedly be concluded that the report of the UN General Assembly, along with the standpoints of the ideological activists, which have been published on the official UN website, will promote so-called reproductive and sexual rights. This ambiguous term has been utilised to enforce abortion and vulgar sexual education. What is more, the demand to battle pro-life and family movements, and to call such initiatives "anti-gender" is a recurring motif in the documents.

The Head of the Centre for International Law Ordo Iuris, Karolina Pawłowska, stated, "We certainly hope that Poland side by side with other countries, which defend fundamental human rights in the international arena, will also openly oppose the intention of the radical movements to pursue their own agenda at the UN. The members of the Ordo Iuris Institute are going to be present in the 64th session of the UN Commission for the Status of Women, which takes place on March 9".

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